Why Are You So Arrogant?

I came across this story in the book “Gratitude Works” by Robert Emmons. It is not a “christian” book but does contain a lot of helpful discussion on gratitude and entitlement.

From Hassidic Rabbi Rafael of Barshad (19th century Europe):

“When I get to heaven, they’ll ask me, why didn’t you learn more Torah? And I’ll tell them that I wasn’t bright enough. Then They’ll ask me why didn’t you do more kind deeds for others? And I’ll tell them that I was physically weak. Then they’ll ask me, why didn’t you give more to charity? And I’ll tell them that I didn’t have enough money for that. And then they’ll ask me: If you were so stupid, weak, and poor, why were you so arrogant? And for that, I won’t have an answer.”

This is one of the strangest things to me. We are so weak, so inadequate, so evil, and yet we insist of thinking so highly of ourselves.

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