The Covid Wars

I think Jay Bhattacharya has been a hero on the healthcare scene over the last few years. He has been as gracious as a man in his position could be, refusing to fall into ad hominem fallacies even when he has been savagely slandered. He has upheld the need for healthcare professionals to actually use scientific data when making decisions and been unapologetic about the damage caused by our response to covid. This article summarizes much of what I think is important on the healthcare side of things. There is a huge discussion of civil rights that is important and beyond this article. But we have the tragic advantage of knowing that most of the things that were done to violate our rights were also based on bad science.

The saddest and most alarming reality is that we have hordes of people in power that think our problem was not locking down hard enough. The zero covid faction is a cult that won’t let any facts get in the way of their devotion to the narrative.